Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Coyote Mess Not Over Yet?

Well, more news coming out of the NHL as Gary Bettman has now supposedly expressed interest in moving a team to Quebec City. While there was in fact a list of up to ten teams that could possibly be up for sale, Phoenix again was one of them and is at the top of the list in fan's eyes.

The news comes following proof that Quebec mayor Regis Lebeaume traveled to NHL headquarters in NYC and took former Nordiques president Marcel Aubut with him for a meeting with Bettman. Apparently Lebeaume came out of the meeting happy and saying it couldn't have gone better. He is now expected to pledge $100 million in municipal funds towards a $400 million arena. There have already been plans to build an 18,000-seat concert and event centre, so putting hockey in the picture should be no problem.

While Bettman's plans seem uncertain, Quebec City has since fought more for the idea of putting an arena in place. They have also expressed positivism that Quebecor has expressed interest in owning the team, after they tried to buy the Habs in the summer.

While it would seem that this would be a great move for the NHL to pursue, they must also approach it carefully. Many fans have stated a belief that the NHL mishandled the Phoenix situation, and therefore should they screw this up, they could lose many of their fans.

While reporters are not trying to say too much on the topic until more news is prevalent, it is obvious this will be a huge story in the following week. Bloggers will go crazy over this issue as they insert their input about what city would be best and the best way to go about working it out.


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